Second stop of the Manggad Kang Antique or The Treasures of Antique Heritage Tour is the centuries old church of St John in the town of Anini-y. Also known as Anitique's San Juan Nepomuceno Parish Church, this Augustinian church began in 1879 under the leadership of Fray Veronico Vaquerin during the Spanish Era. Somewhere on this postcard-perfect church is the Augustinian seal that proves its authenticity. St John is the only preserved colonial church left in Antique.
When the Lady Caycay earthquake occured in 1948, it is the only one that survived in Antique despite numerous others destroyed in Panay. It is believed by many as a miracle which is a symbol of their faith --- strong and founded just like their church.
The refreshing view outside of the church, vast greenery entrance and trees hovering, gives me a calming feeling of how this pristine air I am breathing is the same with what the Anitiquenos has enjoyed during the colonial times.
Interestingly, in a town where local legend tells about a pair of lovers who died in the waters for not keeping their promise, they have a patron saint who is the protector against the floods.
Moreover, San Juan Nepomuceno Parish Church is something Antiquenos are proud of for it is also considered as one of the Philippine National Treasures.

The trip is made possible by Katahum Tours in Antique. To know more about it visit their website or email
totoo. d din masyadong marami yung mga lumang simbahan na napupuntahan ko. hehe
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