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Moving Forward


Cayaocao, Bayawan

Desiotso, Bayawan
Rizal Boulevard, Dumaguete

Highway near MOA

Sometimes, it takes much courage for us to move forward and leave something behind not because we wanted to but we needed to due to circumstances in life that we cannot control. Or we simply need to move forward because what is far ahead of us, no matter how unrevealing and mysterious, are the things that can take us to places or to meet people that will both astonish and surprise you. These images make me remember of the times where life needs to get going and move forward both when we wanted or when we needed to.

Elal of The Shades of Grey Travel and Photography
Elal is a traveler, student of life and photography enthusiast who wants to experience and capture what is raved and not raved about. For more about her travels, subscribe here, email at, or visit her portfolio.


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